Spring 2011 Network Hiatus

Spring 2011 Hiatus

As usual, a necessary evil of running what is essentially a pirate television station, is that we need to take breaks to catch up on things.  Some studio upgrades require taking our entire setup apart.  Trying to run shows while we do not have the ability to produce them properly just doesn’t work.  I also plan on making several important upgrades to the website during this break.

I have more exciting details to share about our pending improvements and will go live on Friday, April 22, 2011 at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific to talk about them.

Until then, our normal schedule of shows will not be airing.  However, Hogan and Cami plan on doing some rogue broadcasts of Epixenter from outside the studio.  Plus, we have a ton of Stream, Lose or Draw episodes waiting to publish for your on-demand viewing pleasure.

See you on Friday!



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