Agents of SHIELD 3 x 7 “Chaos Theory” Promo and Predictions



This week on Agents of SHIELD, All Hell is breaking loose! How will last weeks startling revelation about Lash effect the team and what side is Coulson playing for?

Here is what we think is going to happen

anafinSo much is happening! We are going to see Andrew become lash and embrace it with everyone but May. With May he will be conflicted. May will try to keep his secret in order to protect him, but it will blow up in her face. As for Hydra. Well theres a new sheriff in town. Ward is losing assets left and right, and the mystery man will be coming to call soon. Daisy is going to confront Coulson about what she saw , and I believe Coulson is compromised by his feelings for Rosalind. This is going to cause a bigger rip in their team. This team needs a retreat or something.

curiousfinI think that May is going to do all that she can to not let the team know that Andrew is Lash. I have a feeling she wants answers first before the team finds out and want to down right kill him. By the end of the episode I have a feeling Fitz is going to find a way back to the planet of no name, and probably go back with the help of Hunter since he’s benched and a loose canon. Coulson or Ros I have a feeling is going to double cross one another. They are getting along way too well. Either that. Or they are getting married. Just kidding…. Or am I?!

bryanfinThis next week is going to be a regular Family Channel movie! May and Andrew, Coulson and Daisy, and Hunter and Bobbi are all going to be having heart to heart conversations. Many of those will end with guns and/or punching, but thats how you know they care. Everything is going to become very volatile and the only way I see everyone getting out of this is for Daisy to trust Coulson when it comes to the ATCU and they all let them put Andrew on ice for a bit. If that doesn’t happen then May is going to have to find a way to put Andrew down and that will probably be the thing that ends May’s time with SHIELD or her life. And Fitz and Simmons? They will just keep not telling each other where they stand and what they are feeling.

Did you catch season 3, episode 6’s after show?  If not, you can check it out here!

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